On-Campus Resources and Clubs - Crafton Hills College-九州体育平台入口
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University Transfer Center

The University Transfer Center provides counseling, workshops, transfer fairs, and events designed to assist all students to successfully transfer to their universities. Connect with the University Transfer Center if you: 

  • are a STEM student intending to transfer to a university,
  • want to know more about what schools are options for you,
  • want to transfer to a specific university, but aren't sure what the requirements are, 
  • want to visit a university campus

Transfer Workshops

To register for workshops to help you with the UC and CSU application process, please visit the Transfer Center Workshops pageThese workshops are available via Zoom and in-person. 


Career Center

The Career Center provides counseling, workshops, and resources to help you in your professional development and to success in transferring to universities. Connect with the University Transfer Center if you:

  • explore careers that you might be interested in,
  • learn how to present yourself professionally,
  • learn how to write a resume,
  • learn how to interview effectively,
  • take a career assessment,
  • meet with someone one-on-one to discuss your career path and preparation

Career Workshops

This semester, Career Services are offering a variety of workshops to help you with creating a career plan, job search strategies, interview skills, and more! These workshops are offered both in-person and via Zoom.

View their Fall 2022 Workshop scheduleRegister for a workshop



The Library offers workshops, research and database assistance, and guides for STEM. Currently, there are STEM guides for Anatomy and Physiology, Computer Science, Geography, Geology, and Mathematics, and more! These guides are great places to look for things such as:

  • books or calculators on reserve at the library
  • articles, videos, or e-books available online


Math Club

Join the Math Club! They're here to build a community through discussion of various s.t.e.M topics and studying math concepts for the AMATYC (American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges) exam.

Activities include: taking the AMATYC test for scholarships, discuss s.t.e.M. topics and career paths, field excursion to colleges and museums, and more!

Meetings: TBD

Location: STEM Center (CNTL-218)

More information about the Math Club


Physics Club

Join the Physics club! They're here to help students of physics and related fields achieve their educational goals, prepare for their careers, and to inspire the advancement of a physical understanding of the universe. 

Activites include: guest speakers (via Zoom), hands-on projects, review days, and at-home experiments. 

Meetings: TBD

Location: TBD

More information about the Physics Club
